Európska komisia a Iniciatíva OSN pre životné prostredie zorganizujú 27. júna webinár, ktorý predstaví skúsenosti s uľahčením dialógu medzi investormi a vývojármi projektov z celej Európy.

Viac informácií a registrácia: Experiences in bridging the gap between Investors and Project Developers

Termín: 27.6.2019, 10:00-12:00

Program webinára:

  • Policy context and priorities from DG ENER
  • “How to structure the dialogue on sustainable energy finance: experience and prospects from the SEI Forums initiative”, Andy Deacon, Climate Alliance
  • SEFIPA – Sustainable Energy Financing Platform in Austria, Katharina Muner-Sammer, ÖGUT
  • EnerInvest – Spanish platform for sustainable energy financing, Fernando Garcia Gutierrez, Deloitte
  • Funding opportunities under H2020 to support the development of National Financing Platforms, Kamila Paquel, EASME

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