Európska komisia otvorila na začiatku júna výzvu na nový EIC Accelerator (viac v článku). Tento týždeň vydala oficiálne záväzné odpovede na vyše 150 otázok k novej schéme na grantové a investičné financovanie, ktoré nahradí SME Instrument, fázu 2.
V dokumente nájdete informácie k pilotom EIC Pathfinder, EIC Accelerator. Podrobne sú tu vysvetlené nasledujúce oblasti:
- Pathfinder
- Transition Pathfinder/Accelerator
- Accelerator general questions
- SME Instrument phase 1
- Eligibility/target
- Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
- Seal of Excellence
- Application
- Evaluation and selection
- Bankability
- Blended general conditions
- The special purpose vehicle, SPV (EIC Fund)
- Due diligence
- Company valuation
- Match-making EIC Accelerator pilot applicants and third party co-investors
- Investment strategy
- Investment management
- Co-investments
- Follow-on investments
- Exit strategy
- Project management
- Business acceleration services
Dokument si stiahnite tu: Enhanced European Innovation Council (EIC) Pilot – Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)
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