ULYSSEUS seminár s Verenou Ringler – Citizen Engagement



Seminár projektu ULYSSEUS bude viesť Verena Ringler, zakladateľka a riaditeľka spoločnosti European Commons (https://www.europeancommons.eu), Think and Do Tank so sídlom v rakúskom Innsbrucku.

(Ďalej v anglickom jazyku.)

Verena and her team initiate hands-on, long-term projects that harness synergies of cooperation and civic innovation in Europe, convening diplomats, decision-makers, citizens, and CEOs. Verena will guide the Seminar participants in exploring their role in Citizens Engagement theory and practice in Ulysseus.

9:30 – 9:40       Welcome and Opening Cinzia Leone, WP5 Coordinator
9:40 -10:30       Introduction and Thematic Presentation Verena Ringler, Director of European Commons, Innsbruck, Austria.
10:30 -10:45    Break
10:45 – 12:00   Interactive Session Questions, Ideas and further thoughts on the Citizen Engagement Programme, also in view of the Handbook with common provisions to organise, implement and evaluate it.

We look forward to meeting you and /or other colleagues in your organisation AND your associated partners at the event.