K začiatku apríla 2018 je aktuálnych:

  • 12 ponúk do projektov programu Horizont 2020, resp. ďalších programov, kde sa pripravujú konzorciá a stále sa hľadajú partneri,
  • 49 technologických požiadaviek, kde sa hľadajú dodávateľa riešení alebo služby, ktoré by mali byť realizované vo forme priamej komerčnej dodávky.

Ponuky sú pripravené koordinátormi jednotlivých projektov a publikované za ostatný mesiac v rámci siete Enterprise Europe Network. V tabuľke nižšie nájdete projekty, ktoré hľadajú partnerov do konzorcií rôznych európskych programov, resp. aktuálne technologické požiadavky, s uvedením krajiny a zverejnenia.

Ak máte záujem, reagujte čo najskôr, keďže uvedené ponuky sú umiestnené na verejnom portáli. Celý proces je bezplatný a je financovaný Európskou komisiou.


  1. Kliknite na odkaz uvedený v tabuľke nižšie a budete presmerovaní na podrobnejšie informácie o ponuke
  2. V prípade záujmu o účasť v projekte kliknite na odkaz “Request More Information”
  3. Vyplňte v angličtine 3 štandardizované otázky: (1) What kind of cooperation are you looking for; (2) Which information is missing or unclear, (3) Some facts about your company
  4. Uveďte svoje kontaktné údaje. Dôležité: Pri výbere mesta si vyberte Bratislava a partnera “SK00065 BIC BRATISLAVA”, aby sme Vám mohli čo najskôr aj osobne pomôcť
  5. Potvrďte “privacy policy statement” a odošlite formulár.
  6. Následne systém Vašu ponuku spracuje a informuje nás (BIC Bratislava) ako aj kolegov v zahraničí, ktorí profil pripravili.


Upozornenie: Projekty, ktoré už našli partnerov, alebo ktorým vypršala platnosť môžu byť nedostupné.

Zoznam projektov, kde sa pripravujú konzorciá a stále sa hľadajú partneri:

Title of Profile Country Publish Date
H2020 – INNOSUP-03-2018: Blockchain integration in platform for secondary raw materials Italy 03.04.2018
H2020-LC-SC3-EE-9-2018-2019: coordinator and a bank sought for joining a proposal on evaluation tool for financing of… Bulgaria 03.04.2018
SME-Instrument phase I – An Italian biotech company is looking for a biogas plant builder from Germany, Austria or… Italy 03.04.2018
Eurostars2: A Korean company is looking for R&D partners to develop Internet of Things (IoT) and sensor networked smart… South Korea 26.03.2018
EUREKA – Korean partner sought to develop an eco-planner for energy-production efficiency in manufacturing industry 4.0 Spain 21.03.2018
H2020 CE-SFS-24-2019 – Innovative and attractive French metropolis is searching partners notably interested in the field… France 20.03.2018
Horizon 2020 consortium is looking for asbestos end user association to develop an international asbestos network tool… Italy 12.03.2018
H2020 Mobility for growth MG-2-3-2018 “Airworthiness of mass-market drones” CE mark approach for Airworthiness of… Italy 09.03.2018
An Estonian spectroscopy company is looking for partners for H2020-EIC-SMEInst-2018-2020 SME-2 SME instrument phase 2 Estonia 27.02.2018
Eurostars2: partners sought (companies or research institutes) for development of Parkinson disease diagnosis device South Korea 22.02.2018
RFCS 2018 – Advanced solid state hydrogen sensor Italy 22.02.2018
H2020-SC3-RES-1-2019 : Companies with expertise in photovoltaics fabrication, power device, sensors are sought  France 21.02.2018


Technologické profily, kde sa hľadajú dodávateľa riešení alebo služby, ktoré by mali byť realizované vo forme priamej komerčnej dodávky:

Title of Profile Country Publish Date
An Italian company is searching technical know-how in the field of power electronics and battery systems  Italy 03.04.2018
A Scottish (UK) Biomaterials SME seeks European partners for product validation and future collaborations United Kingdom 26.03.2018
Hydro turbine production partner sought by Norwegian company Norway 26.03.2018
Urgent partners are sought for an energetic utilization of natural fibre composites Germany 26.03.2018
London-based space technology company is seeking expertise in spacecraft control and propulsion systems designs  United Kingdom 26.03.2018
Natural and synthetic product libraries sought for comprehensive high throughput screening in international chemistry… Germany 26.03.2018
Implants or injection products related to structural proteins and biopolymers found in skin and soft tissues available… France 22.03.2018
Ultra-durable, hydrogen compressor bearings, seals, and coatings, components and technologies sought by a UK research… United Kingdom 21.03.2018
A Spanish research and development center seeks a thermal spray equipment. Spain 19.03.2018
Looking for the ability to precisely manufacture very long bore tubes. Switzerland 16.03.2018
Innovation call for startups in well-being at work and facility management in particular automated parking Luxembourg 15.03.2018
An Italian start-up is looking for a technology partner to complete its financial platform Italy 14.03.2018
Open innovation challenge: In search of technologies focused on prevention and treatment of football players’ injuries Spain 07.03.2018
Spanish research center is seeking for an European university with experience on urban energy planning for knowledge… Spain 07.03.2018
French company is looking for semi-automatic cold press machine to make fresh juice faster France 06.03.2018
Low Cost SOx and NOx elimination from Ship Exhaust United Kingdom 05.03.2018
Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) H2020 project is looking for Earth Observation (EO) technologies applicable to the… Greece 02.03.2018
Off-grid solar charging system with stand-alone payment process United Kingdom 02.03.2018
Looking for disposable electroencephalography (EEG) electrode patch expertise Netherlands 01.03.2018
French industrial group specialised in flowmeters is looking for a subcontractor in Europe able to assemble by welding… France 01.03.2018
A Greek company is looking for a company from abroad to supply or co-develop an electronic sensor for waste bin… Greece 26.02.2018
Looking for medical hydrogel (conductive and adhesive) expertise. Netherlands 26.02.2018
Light engine for aircraft sector France 26.02.2018
Romanian association looks for technology for potato starch production through commercial agreement with technical… Romania 22.02.2018
Dutch Start up is looking for a partner who has the technical knowledge in recycling processes to transform High Density… Netherlands 22.02.2018
Global technology development organisation with UK base requests novel products and technologies in anatomical pathology… United Kingdom 20.02.2018
UK company looking for baby video monitors made in Europe United Kingdom 08.02.2018
A Korean company interested in developing portable 3D digital x-ray machine is looking for medical equipment designing… South Korea 05.02.2018
Technical expertise sought for developing algoritms aimed at assessing the integrity of industrial plants. Italy 05.02.2018
French company seeking development of assembly techniques for wood materials under technical agreement France 02.02.2018
A Korean company is looking for a solenoid (coil-wound) brake which makes less noise and decelerator with less clearance… South Korea 01.02.2018
Improved Port Operations Safety via Vehicle Vision Systems United Kingdom 31.01.2018
A Chinese pharmaceutical company is looking for new products and technology in the field of nephrology, nutrition and… China 30.01.2018
Cost-efficient techniques to develop household equipments for hydroponic aquaculture (aquaponics) Belgium 26.01.2018
A Spanish start-up is looking for innovative IT add-on solutions to improve its logistics platform for the last mile… Spain 23.01.2018
Looking for a technical solution for the recycling of of laminated glass/Windshields particularly the PVB  Belgium 23.01.2018
Seeking partners to develop atmospheric plasma technology for wafer and Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) surfaces South Korea 22.01.2018
Seeking partners to cooperate on convergence of optical sensor technology into the fluorescent materials industry South Korea 22.01.2018
A Dutch multinational chemical company is looking for zero-footprint surfactant platforms Netherlands 21.01.2018
Looking for new materials or technologies in the nano- and micrometer scale to improve products. Netherlands 21.01.2018
Dutch multinational is looking for innovative technologies for turning liquids into free-flowing powders in a more… Netherlands 21.01.2018
Dutch multinational is looking for smart technology that can make their chemical plants more intelligent, more resource… Netherlands 19.01.2018
British company seeks encapsulation and release technologies for agrochemical applications United Kingdom 18.01.2018
Seeking partners for the future development of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell South Korea 15.01.2018
Applicable renewable energy techniques in road South Korea 15.01.2018
Functional nano coatings for manufacturing and assembly of mobile phones United Kingdom 12.01.2018
Greek consulting firm working with olive and olive oil producers, is looking for advanced solutions for all the stages… Greece 10.01.2018
A German company is seeking chemical additives to prevent plugging in pipelines Germany 05.01.2018
Looking for space technologies which could be transfered to the health and medical care sector France 05.01.2018

Upozornenie: Informácia bude preposlaná zadávateľovi (koordinátorovi) prostredníctvom príslušného zastúpenia siete Enterprise Europe Network. Rýchlosť a kvalita odpovede (teda reakcia na Váš záujem o účasť v projekte alebo ponuka na predmetnú požiadavku) je už priamo na oslovenom koordinátorovi/zadávateľovi požiadavky.

Ak ste nenašli svoju oblasť vyššie, skúste navštíviť tematické stránky s ponukami na partnerstvá v rôznych oblastiach programu Horizont 2020. 

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