Európska komisia s potešením oznamuje, že je možné podávať prihlášky do 2023 EU Product Safety Award.

EU Product Safety Award je ocenením inovatívnych podnikateľských iniciatív a výskumu, ktoré zvyšujú bezpečnosť spotrebiteľov. Tento rok sa ocenenie zameriava na podnikateľské iniciatívy, ktoré konkrétne pre tínedžerov. Po prvýkrát budú v rámci tejto iniciatívy ocenení aj výskumní pracovníci, ktorí pracujú na bezpečnosti spotrebiteľských výrobkov.

Ďalej v anglickom jazyku:

Companies and researchers have 3 months to apply to get the recognition for their work.
Interested participants can apply here.

Who can apply?

  • Companies which:
    • Are based in one of the countries in the European Economic Area (EU Member States plus Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway).
    • Developed a product or led an initiative aiming to increase the safety of teenagers that goes beyond the requirements of EU law and standards. For example, this could include awareness-raising initiatives focused on product safety risks faced by teenagers, or initiatives, which improve the safety of products or shopping channels commonly used by this age group.
    • Operate in line with internationally recognised Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) criteria.
      There will be separate awards for SMEs and large companies.
  • Researchers who:
    • Are nationals of one of the 30 countries in the European Economic Area (the 27 EU Member states plus Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) or are affiliated to academic institutions based in the European Economic Area
    • Worked on research which has significant implications for enhancing consumer product safety and which has been published or presented at an academic conference within the last 4 years
    • Are affiliated to a non-profit organisation.

There will be separate awards for early-career and senior researchers.


What do winners stand to gain?

Laureates will have the possibility to share their innovative solutions at a prestigious Award ceremony on 4 December 2023 in Brussels, hosted by European Commissioner for Justice, Didier Reynders.

Laureates will benefit from widespread recognition of their achievements. The award will serve as a testament to their reputation as product safety champions.


How to apply?

The countdown has started: companies and researchers have until 8 September 2023 to apply online.

All Award information and application forms are available in 24 European Economic Area languages. An online information session for interested companies and researchers will take place on 21 June.
To know more, visit the Award website or contact