Cieľom tohto webinára je poskytnúť vám základné pochopenie toho, ako správne riešiť problémy duševného vlastníctva a ako sa dozvedieť o ich úskaliach v rámci výskumných a inovačných iniciatív financovaných EÚ. Webinár organizuje European IP Helpdesk.
Webinár sa bude konať v stredu, 25. marca 2020, 10:30-12:00
- What are the key characteristics of an EU-funded project and the different participating partners?
- Which IP aspects have to be considered in collaborative research projects?
- At which stages of the project does IP matter?
- What rules exist within Horizon 2020 and what requirements have to be met?
- What terminology is used?
- How do I define relevant background for my project?
- How do I define ownership of results?
- How do I set up a regime for granting access rights?
- What are basic IP aspects to be considered under Horizon 2020? (Please note that additional webinars specifically addressing exploitation issues under Horizon 2020 will be offered separately)
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