Neformálne networkingové podujatie – recepcia s inšpiratívnymi absolventmi prestížneho MIT inštitútu.

Kedy? 5. november

Kde? Hilton by DoubleTree v Košiciach

Registrácia (do 28. októbra):

Anna Kazlauskas a Loewen Cavill, who will visit Slovakia based on the joint invitation of Aj Ty v IT and the US Embassy, will be the guests. As a part of their week-long program they will lead workshops for teenage girls and adult women in Košice, as well as discuss with IT companies how to make the IT sector more attractive for youth and especially women. We thank AT&T Global Network Services Slovakia, T-Systems Slovakia, Citibank Europe plc for their support and help with organizing this reception.

At this informal personal meeting you will have the chance to learn more about the projects that Anna and Loewen are working on, what motivated them to enter the world of technology and what is personally important for them in order to be able to break through in their field professionally and successfully.