Promoted by Innovlab – Startup Center of Deutsche Telekom Systems Solutions Slovakia in cooperation with the Technical University of Kosice
The contest is announced pursuant to § 847 et seq. of Act No. 40/1964 Coll. Civil Code as amended (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Civil Code’)
Name: Deutsche Telekom Systems Solutions Slovakia s.r.o.
Registered office: Moldavska cesta 8B, 040 11 Kosice, Slovak Republic
ID: 35Â 976 721
Statutory authority: Andreas Truls, Mgr. Igor Stancik, Ing. Ondrej Sestina
 (hereinafter referred to as the “promoter”)
The promoter announces this open contest entitled: “TOP STUDENT’S FINAL THESIS”
1.1 This document sets forth some basic terms and conditions of the “TOP STUDENT’S FINAL THESIS” contest (hereinafter referred to as the “contest”). For more detailed information, including the subject of the contest, deadlines and content of the remaining conditions, please consult the following website: .
1.2 Contest period: from 01/02/2024 to 29/09/2024.
1.3 Contest venue: UVP TECHNICOM, Němcovej 5, 04001 Kosice, Slovak Republic
1.4 The contest aims to gather support for practical usage of those of students’ final theses which have business potential. The winners in each category will not only get financial award of EUR 500, helping them with further development, but mainly the opportunity to extend their solution by creating their own startup (their own business) in the inspiring environment of the Startup Centre and Incubator of Technical University Košice (operated by UVP TECHNICOM) and InnovLab – Start Up Centre of Deutsche Telekom Systems Solutions Slovakia. By participating in the contest, students can gain important contacts and have a chance to breakthrough at the international level and turn their projects into practice. The contest provides also opportunity for companies and investors to capture ideas that have business potential and promote their further development, as well as attract new employees.
1.5 The contest is open to everyone who meets the conditions below (hereinafter referred to as “participant” or “contestant”); in particular a contestant must:
1.5.1 Have completed the online registration form on:
1.5.2 Be a student of bachelor’s, engineering or doctoral programme at one of the listed universities (partner universities of the Ulysseus European University alliance, 1) University of Seville (Spain,, 2) University of Genoa (Italy,, 3) UniversitĂ© CĂ´te d’Azur (France,, 4) Technical University of Košice (Slovakia,, 5) MCI | The Entrepreneurial School® (Austria,, 6) Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences (Finland,, 7) University of MĂĽnster (Germany, and 8) University of Montenegro (Montenegro,, 8) University of Pavol Jozef Ĺ afárik ( .
1.5.3 Have submitted and successfully defended their final thesis in the academic year 2023/2024 by 31 July 2024.
1.5.4 Have informed their thesis consultants or supervisors of their intention to participate in this contest.
1.6 Anyone who registers for the contest and does not meet any of the aforementioned conditions shall be automatically disqualified from participation and aspiring for any prize associated with this contest. In case of any doubt as to whether the conditions are met, the contest promoter reserves the right to request from the contestant relevant documents proving fulfilment of the conditions.
1.7 Contest registration is free.
1.8 Everyone interested or any participant may ask the promoter for further information regarding the contest.
1.9 The rights to the results of the contestants’ creative intellectual activity exerted during the contest, which are subject to protection by intellectual property legislation (in particular Act No. 185/2015 Coll. Act No. 506/2009 Coll. on Trademarks, as amended, Act No. 444/2002 Coll. on Designs, as amended, and Act No. 435/2001 Coll. on Patents, Supplementary Protection Certificates and on amendments and additions to certain other acts (Patent Act), as amended; and other legislation applicable to Bachelor’s, Master’s or Doctoral theses of students of any of the Ulysseus Alliance universities) remain fully in place and shall remain with the contestants as their authors.
1.10 The contest is not a game of chance within the meaning of the provisions of Act No. 30/2019Z.z. on Gambling and on amendment and supplementation of certain acts, as amended. Therefore, it is not subject to the provisions of the Act mentioned concerning the operation and organisation of gambling.
1.11 Any contestant who has interfered with or broken the contest rules in order to achieve the award, or just in order to qualify for the participation in the contest, shall be excluded from the contest.
1.12 The promoter reserves the right in the event of suspected breach of the contest rules, terms and conditions to exclude such participant from the contest, not to award the prize or claim refund of the prize already awarded, even after the contest was closed.
1.13 If no one registers for the contest or none of the registered persons qualify for the participation in the contest, as set out in this Rules, the prizes shall not be awarded.
1.14 The contest programme, objectives and further details can be found on:
1.15 The contestants submit their final theses in one of the following three categories: Smart City, Health, Industry (determined by the topic of their thesis). Every contestant needs to select the category already upon registering for the contest.
1.16 If, from the contestant’s perspective, his/her final thesis fits to more than one contest category, they have to consider and upon their professional discretion obligatorily select and submit their thesis only in one category.
1.17 All submitted theses will be assessed by the members of the jury established by the promoter.
1.18 The jury will give each thesis a score (from 1 to 10) in each of the following criteria:
a) Potential to create a working prototype within 3 months
b) Feasibility of the project
c) Applicability
d) Scalability
e) Clarity of proposed solution
f) Innovativeness and sustainability of the project
g) Contribution of the project to the solution of the given issue
1.19 Once the contest is over, every participant shall have the chance to establish further cooperation with the contest promoter, depending on the quality and scope of their project. Should the promoter and the contestant express interest in further cooperation, this may take place between the parties, or lead to pre-contractual negotiations and even to conclusion of a contract establishing potentially long-term cooperation between the parties.
2. The winning theses shall be awarded the following financial prizes:
1st prize in the Smart City category: €500 (in words: five hundred Euros) (hereinafter referred to as “Prize 1”),
1st prize in the Health category: €500 (in words: five hundred Euros) (“Prize 2”),
1st prize in the Industry category: €500 (in words: five hundred Euros) (“Prize 3”).
1st prize in the Special Jury Award category: €500 (in words: five hundred Euros) (“Prize 4”).
(Prize 1, Prize 2 and Prize 3 , Prize 4, hereinafter collectively referred to as “the prizes”)
2.2 The prize is subject to income tax pursuant to § 8(1)(j) Act no. 595/2003 Coll. on Income Tax as amended (hereinafter referred to as the “Income Tax Act”), where the winnings of up to EUR 350 are according to § 9(2)(m) of the said Act exempt from tax; and any additional sum exceeding the EUR 350 (in words: three hundred and fifty euros) is subject to income tax and to levy for public health insurance pursuant to Act no. 580/2004 Coll. on health insurance as amended ÄŤ. 580/2004. The Income Tax Act precisely determines which winnings and prizes are fully tax-exempt (i.e. received winnings of up to EUR 350) and which are partially tax-exempt (i.e. winning over EUR 350, where the tax base is everything that exceeds the sum of 350 EUR). The awarded contestants are responsible for the taxation of the prizes and any other tax liability according to the laws of the country in which they are residents.
2.3 The contest timeline is as follows:
- Launch of contest: 1 February 2024
- Deadline for application submissions: 31 July 2024
- Announcement of the winners: 30 September 2024
- The contest finale – presentations of the theses, evaluation, final results announced in September 2024
2.4 The promoter will contact the winner and the winner shall immediately but no later than within seven working days respond by sending to the promoter their details, i.e. his/her name, surname, permanent address, contact address, date of birth and bank account number to which they want the prize to be transferred.
2.5 Before handing over the prize, the promoter reserves the right to require from the winner to prove that he/she is the person who actually won the prize. In disputed cases, promoter reserves the right to make final decision as to the awarding the prize.
2.6 The promoter shall hand over (transfer) the prize money to the winner by crediting the winner’s bank account.
2.7 The winner loses the right to claim the prize if the prize could not be transferred to them or if they failed to claim it within 14 days from the date of the vain attempt to contact them or hand the prize over to them.
3.1 The promoter announces and promotes this contest in cooperation with Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions Slovakia, s.r.o.
3.2 In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, which repeals Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (hereinafter referred to as “GDPR”) and Act no. 18/2018 Coll. on the protection of personal data as amended (hereinafter referred to as the “Act on the Protection of Personal Data”), by participating in the contest, the participant expresses their consent to the processing of their personal data, in particular their academic degree, name, surname, school or other institution, contact data, provided to the promoter for the purpose of ensuring the proper course of the contest. Failure to grant this consent shall result in the participant’s exclusion from the contest.
3.3 The contest participant may as well grant to the promoter consent to the processing of their personal data for the purpose of sending information about the promoter’s activities, as well as consent to the creation, processing and publication of a visual record capturing his/her person for the purpose of promoting the event. The participant acknowledges that the provision of this personal data is voluntary and the failure to grant these consents is not a condition for participation in the contest or for awarding the prize. Participant acknowledges that he/she has the right to withdraw their consents at any time, even before elapsing of the period for which they were granted. Withdrawal of consent does not affect lawfulness of the data processing carried out based on it prior to its withdrawal. Pursuant to the GDPR, the promoter is the controller of personal data.
3.4 Participants primarily have the right to be informed about the processing status of their personal data, to rectification of incorrect or outdated personal data in the course of the processing, to destruction of personal data if the purpose of processing has been fulfilled, to object to the use of their personal data for marketing purposes on the basis of a free of charge written request. Withdrawal of consent for the data processing for one of the above-mentioned purposes is without prejudice to validity of the consent granted to the remaining purposes. In justified cases, the participant has the right to file a complaint regarding the processing of their personal data with the supervisory authority, i.e. the Personal Data Protection Office of the Slovak Republic.
3.5 Further information on the processing of personal data as well as instructions on the rights of the contest participants can also be found on the promoter’s website (, under personal data protection).
3.6 Participant acknowledges that the promoter is entitled to process their personal data using automated, partially automated as well as non-automated means.
3.7 Promoter reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of the contest.
3.8 Promoter reserves the right to cancel the contest, especially if the safety of the contestants or the public is endangered, or if the contest intended objectives cannot be achieved due to an unforeseeable event (e.g. power outage), etc.; in which case the contest will be cancelled in the same manner in which it was announced, i.e. by publishing a notice of cancellation on
3.9 By participating in the contest, the contestant agrees to the terms and conditions contained in these Rules. If the contestant does not agree to any term or condition contained herein, he/she shall not be permitted to participate in the contest.
3.10 These terms and conditions come into force on 28/02/2024.