Venue: University of Granda

Participants:   prof. Ing. Kamil Kuča, Ph.D. (UHK), prof. Ing. Ondřej Krejcar, Ph.D. (UHK), Ing. Pavla Matulová, Ph.D. et Ph.D. (UHK), prof. Ing. Radovan Hudák, PhD. (TUKE), JUDr. Peter Čižmár, PhD.(TUKE), Francisco Javier Cabrerizo (UGR), Carlos Gustavo Porcel Gallego (UGR), Juan Antonio Morente Molinera (UGR), Jose Ramon Trillo (UGR).

It was an excellent chance to share the best practice from each institution. Not to mention the transfer technology system in their home country. 

A university is a knowledge holder; therefore, it is essential to know how to transfer technologies. How to develop innovations into business with proper patent law and copyright protection. More to it, there is the idea of spin-offs and how to get involved as a public institution. The pros and cons of such a company. Many questions were directed to partner universities and many answers were well received.

The meeting has been very profitable, the feedback was well noted, further steps set and we cannot wait to see the following results.